Jamal Hubbard Art

Featured Art

"Golden Time of Day"

"Golden Time of Day"

$85 - Canvas ready to hang

$40 - Canvas Print (frame not included)


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Frida From Behind

Frida From Behind

$85 - Canvas ready to hang

$40 - Canvas Print (frame not included)

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Autumn in New York

Autumn in New York

$105 - Canvas ready to hang

$40 - Canvas Print (frame not included)

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"Family Style"

"Family Style"

$120 - Canvas ready to hang

$65 - Canvas print (frame not included)

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About us

My name is Jamal Hubbard, and I am the proud owner of Jamal Hubbard Art, an art sales business in Charlotte, NC. I have a passion for creating pieces that align to my personal interests - music, jazz vocalists, hip hop, other artists, abstract thought, etc. It's truly an honor to engage those who experience my art. And if you are inspired to inquire about options to purchase my art, I am truly flattered - thank you. Please connect with me anytime @ [email protected]

Our services

Jamal Hubbard Art For Sale

Jamal Hubbard Art For Sale

Jamal Hubbard Art Gallery is an art sales business specializing in selling digital art pieces by Jamal Hubbard.  Jamal Hubbard Art Gallery provides a unique and exciting experience for art lovers. Given the limited availability of each piece, please reach out for purchase inquiries. 

Contact Us
Jamal Hubbard Custom Designs

Jamal Hubbard Custom Designs

Jamal Hubbard Art provides customers with unique and stunning custom art pieces for any occasion. Please reach out for a consultation on how Jamal can create a piece designed for you and your purpose. Whether you're looking to create office, business, personal or home decor - we are confident we can create the perfect piece for you.

Contact Us

Jamal Hubbard Art Contact Form


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